Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sometimes I wonder how often people follow their own advice.  Words are very easy to say. But how often are we the example of the change we want to see in the world. We think of ourselves as good people but are we really good…do we really let people be who they are or are we part of the constant gossip, judgment of others. Can we really let them believe what they want to without pointing our fingers at them? Do we really see God in each and every one of them? Have we ever tried just one day to pay attention to our thoughts and notice how many times we judge, criticize, make fun of others?  Can we have just one whole day free of judgment? Can we show people how much we really believe in God, Universe, and Mother Nature?  Are we ready to accept our responsibility in living the lives we want others to live?

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Well here I am new to this blogging…and these were the thoughts on my head.
What does it mean to live in the present moment?
It means that this moment will be wasted if we were not aware of it.
So whatever we are doing we must do it with intention and awareness of whom and what we are, so we live the life we are meant to live and not everybody’s life instead.
So what does that mean?
It means that right now in this  beautiful moment, regardless of what the weather does outside, inside of us is a very powerful force that gives us all we want if we ask with pure intention and awareness.  It means that regardless whether we have a reason to be happy or not, we are happy.
Why are we happy?
Because we know that happiness is part of who and what we are…and at all times we should be who we are.
God lives in me and all around me; I am a reflection of Love and light! I must show that love and that light to everyone who sees me, so they can then show their own.
It is so much better to be the observer, than to be observed.  As the observer you are always creating, being, and lovingly enjoying every minute of it, otherwise is time lost.
So, what are you willing to let go off to be your true self today? Let me put it another way…what are you willing to enjoy this moment!  Will you choose to waste it by feeling sorry for yourself? Because that is really what you will be doing.  Anytime that you think; I should of, or I could of, or…if I only or… (Blank) is the reason of my unhappiness or…why did I? You my friends are wasting your precious time.  Because when you live in the moment there are no regrets, no envy, no hate, no bitterness, no loneliness, and no judgment. Only the true moment knowing that… You are Love and everything around You is only Love. Just remember that, when you look at everything with the eyes of Love, you will always have happiness…true happiness.

Take a deep breath and enjoy life!